Friday, April 19, 2013


Welcome to my blog! 
When I learn something that I am excited to share, I now have a place to share it...right here on this blog!
I have come to the realization that becoming well (in all ways...mentally, physically, financially, etc.) is a lifelong journey.  My view of wellness and health has changed throughout my life.  My goals evolve as I do.  Once I achieve a goal, a new one is made.  Also, as I learn more, my goals change and my idea of wellness changes.
I am working toward improving myself, and hope to become a better person because of the goals I make and achieve.  I will share new and interesting things I learn and try, what works for me, what doesn't, things I enjoy, things I don't. It may be about food, fitness, health, web pages, other news, or anything else.
I own a ton of Beachbody programs, as well as other programs, and will work on posting my reviews and other information about them on this site.  I want to try to inform people as much as possible.
I also want to let people know about other great things I have found (food, activities, etc.), and want to work on getting that information posted, too.

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