Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Insanity Day 1

Sunday was Day 1 on my Insanity Challenge!
Did Fit Test:
1. Switch Kicks (Right + Left = 1): 52
2. Power Jacks: 51
3. Power Knees (Lifting Left Knee): 77
4. Power Jumps: 35
5. Globe Jumps (Around the Globe = 1): 11
6. Suicide Jumps: 13
7. Push-Up Jacks: 14
8. Low Plank Oblique (Right+Left = 1): 24
A year ago, I would probably not have been able to do even one Push Up Jack!  I have done some Insanity workouts off and on to see how they were...yes...they were Insane, but I know I can do it. 
I can't wait to see how my next Fit Test goes!

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