Sunday, May 19, 2013

Insanity Week 3

Ok, here is the recap of week 3:

Day one of week three is the Fit Test. 
Here are my Fit Test scores:
1. Switch Kicks (Right + Left = 1): 59
2. Power Jacks: 56
3. Power Knees (Lifting Left Knee): 103
4. Power Jumps: 36
5. Globe Jumps (Around the Globe = 1): 11
6. Suicide Jumps: 15
7. Push-Up Jacks: 16
8. Low Plank Oblique (Right+Left = 1): 32

My son was asking questions and needed help a couple of times, so some of my numbers didn't go up, but some did. Every little improvement means change is happening.

This week, the workouts actually seemed easier!  During hurdle jumps, I felt like I was jumping quite high and doing them well.  I didn't feel too worn out to do anymore by the third set of the circuit.  I hope next week feels this good.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Foot Pain During Insanity? Have you tried going barefoot?


I love Insanity, but when I started it, I would have terrible foot pain before the warm up was even complete.  I had to stop, take my shoes off, massage my feet, and then get my shoes back on to try to continue the workout.  Usually the pain came back right away, and sometimes was unbearable.

I was looking around for solutions to the problem, asking people, searching the web, I even tried five different pairs of shoes!  I found a forum where others were having the same problem.  The solution many came up with was to GO BAREFOOT!  Voila! No foot pain!  Now, I do all of my insanity workouts barefoot.   I also do Les Mills Combat barefoot, and the cardio-style videos of P90X barefoot.

This may not be the solution for everyone, but for me, it worked.  I have not had foot pain since.   The place I work out in is very thin carpet, but, surprisingly, I have had no issues with other joint pain (some people warned that you wouldn’t have the cushion provided by the shoes).    I practice martial arts and was a gymnast when I was younger, so it is possible that my body was just more used to doing those kinds of movements barefoot.  I can run, do TurboFire, and all kinds of other things with shoes on and have no troubles.  For some reason, though, I have to do Insanity barefoot.  It just shows again how we are all a little different….my sister and all of my friends who do Insanity have no foot issues while doing Insanity with her shoes on.   They think I am crazy for doing it barefoot, but I am not the only one.  I’m just glad there was a solution that worked for me!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Tai Cheng Savings!

Save on Tai Cheng This Month!


This month, you can save money on Tai Cheng.  I ordered this program for my dad, primarily, because he has many joint issues, and I am hoping this improves his mobility and alleviates his pain.  When I brought it to my parents’ house, my mom said she, too, would also like to try it!  I also plan on incorporating it into my fitness routine, because I believe this program can help improve body function in people of all ages and fitness levels.

We watched the Master Scroll DVD together, to get an idea of how the program works and what it involves.  My dad seemed worried that he wouldn’t be able to keep up after looking through the Tai Chi moves on the Master Scroll DVD.  There were quite a few moves, but I assured him that he will work his way up to those.  To reassure him, we put the first DVD in and watched the Day 1 workout.  It started with the Neural Reboot, which was a 20 minute routine.  Then, it went into a 15 minute routine.  My dad was no longer intimidated after watching the video.  Dr. Cheng moved slowly and explained well.  There are also modifications in this video for those who cannot do the full moves yet.

If you want to know more about Tai Cheng, feel free to email me.

To buy Tai Cheng, or to look at the package options, click here or go to my Beachbody Coach page and click on the Tai Cheng button.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Insanity: Week 2

Since Week 2 of Insanity is a repeat of the workouts from Week 1, I won't talk about each day.  I will just do a review at the end of the week.

Week 2 went well.  I am not sure if it was the cold I have been battling or what, but I felt like I was really dragging during the workouts.  My legs felt more sore and tired than last week.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Insanity Day 5: Pure Cardio

Pure Cardio was tough, but not as bad as I thought it would be.  After the warmup and stretch, you only do each move once, so I know next time I can go all out on each move without burning myself out by the third round like I might in the other videos.  There are a lot of different moves in this workout.  I felt the hardest was the Level 2 Drills, just because I can't go that fast with push ups yet.  Someday, I hope I will be able to!
It's also reassuring to see some of the people in the video taking breaks/needing breaks.  They are real people, and while I still push myself, I see that it is ok to take a break instead of doing something wrong or hurting myself by pushing too hard.
The video is less than 40 minutes, and I was in my heart rate zone for 17 minutes 35 seconds.  I will probably try to push myself a little harder next time.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Insanity Day 4: Cardio Recovery

Today was Cardio Recovery.  This workout is only a little over 30 minutes, but my legs were burning at times.  It was a lot slower paced than the other workouts, but it was still work. 
It was more just strength/stability work - planks, squats, lunges, etc.  It was a nice break from the other workouts, but still a bit of a workout.